Below Deck

Daisy Kelliher Is Not The Villain Of Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5 Danni Warren Is (Does She Want To Be The New Chief Stew?)

Chief Stew Daisy Kelliher has been on the receiving end of rampant criticism for her Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 5 performance, but Stew Danni Warren’s immature behavior deserves even more attention. Daisy has been the Chief Stew of Parsifal III since season 2. Although her harsh delivery can make her seem like a villain, she is an effective leader who knows how to put her personal feelings aside for the sake of the crew.

Danni Warren in Below Deck Sailing Yacht making a duck face wearing parsifal polo with bed in background

Danni is a new addition to the Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 5 cast. Although she initially presented herself as a dedicated, thoughtful worker, she quickly became sidetracked by her romantic conquests. Danni’s preoccupation with pursuing her next hookup has impacted her professionalism and alienated her coworkers. Her attitude towards Daisy shows Danni isn’t a team player, and her immaturity is the root of Daisy’s difficult season.

Danni Is A “Pick Me Girl”

Her Pursuit Of Chase Could Ruin Her Friendship With Diana

Danni Warren on Below Deck Sailing Yacht being picked up while smiling

Danni’s career takes second priority to her desire for male attention. At the start of the season, she struck up a playful flirtation with Deckhand Keith Allen, which has since turned ugly when she demanded his attention in front of the guests. Keith wanted to remain professional while on the job, which upset Danni.

Danni then shifted her focus to First Officer Gary King. The two shared a drunken kiss, leading Daisy to scold them. After briefly romancing an Ibiza club employee, Danni began pursuing new Deckhand Chase Lemacks. This created a problem with Stew Diana Cruz, who was also interested in Chase and had watched Danni jump from man to man all season.

While there’s nothing shameful about Danni’s sexuality, she’s going about it all wrong. Danni’s priority should be her job, which seems to have fallen by the wayside. Her second priority should be staying on good terms with her co-workers, which is now in jeopardy as she and Diana compete for Chase’s affection.

Danni Finds Fault In Everything Daisy Does

She Doesn’t Respond Well To Criticism

Danni from below deck sailing yacht with an annoyed Daisy in the background

Danni’s unprofessionalism is apparent in her disrespect for Daisy, the leader of her department. Danni’s frustration grew when Daisy advised her to use caution in her romantic encounters. She interpreted Daisy’s guidance as criticism, leading to a bad attitude towards her superior. Danni’s resistance makes Daisy out to be the villain for simply doing her job carefully and effectively.

Danni’s resistance makes Daisy out to be the villain for simply doing her job carefully and effectively.

Danni lamented in her confessional that she thinks Daisy is picking on her and grasping for things to complain about. She said Daisy should “respectfully, f*** off.” Danni’s attitude shows she doesn’t respect authority. Instead of getting mad at Daisy and taking everything personally, Danni should look at her performance and take Daisy’s suggestions to heart.

Is She Trying To Take Daisy’s Job?

She Seems Jealous Of Daisy’s Authority

danni warren below deck sailing yacht promo image of her in orange shirt with sea background

Danni’s disdain for Daisy suggests she has a problem with leadership. She thinks of herself as above taking orders, which is an essential part of her job. Danni may feel jealous of Daisy’s authority and desire to be Chief Stew herself. By insulting Daisy and disregarding her feedback, Danni’s not doing herself any favors if she intends to move up in her career.

Danni’s disrespectful attitude towards Daisy makes her the villain of Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 5. She’s forcing Daisy to become more assertive, which unfairly casts Daisy in a bad light. Danni shouldn’t let her romances get in the way of her professionalism. Until she can learn to listen and take Daisy’s advice, there’s little hope for Danni to improve.

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