Below Deck

Below Deck Down Under: Lara Rigby’s Red Flags Prove Producers May Have Hired Her For Drama (Was Aesha Scott Not Doing Enough For The Show?)

Below Deck Down Under is undergoing a dramatic change in its third season with the stern and inflexible leadership of new Chief Stew Lara Rigby. Lara, who has over a decade of experience in yachting, initially seemed like a promising replacement for former Chief Stew Aesha Scott. Lara was highly acclaimed by both Captain Jason Chambers and Chef Tzarina Mace-Ralph, who had worked alongside Lara at her last job. Yet as more of Lara’s personality is revealed, there are growing concerns that she was hired solely to bring chaos.

Aesha Scott, the chief stew for the show’s first two seasons, was beloved for her friendly and approachable attitude. Aesha brought a positive energy to the yacht, but she could still lay down the law when needed. With Aesha settling into her role on Below Deck Mediterranean, it was time for a refresh on Below Deck Down Under. Aesha’s departure isn’t the only change in season 3, with a move across the Indian Ocean to the Seychelles as well as an upgrade to the largest yacht in Below Deck history, Katina.

Lara Nit-Picks Her Stews

Her Leadership Style Is Painfully Inflexible

Lara’s first impressions were not very positive as she set an unrealistic standard for her team from day one. She micromanaged chores such as folding towels and making beds, setting an impossibly high bar with little flexibility. Lara’s early scenes show that her priority lies with perfection rather than building a rapport with her new team.

Lara further exasperated the crew with her obsession over silverware during dinner service. She sent the stews running up endless flights of steps to swap out the silverware multiple times, brushing off the suggestion that they simply bring the utensils with the food.

Lara’s insistence on “proper service” suggests her rigidness may prevent her from adapting to the needs of her team.

nicate Well With The Chef

She And Tzarina Have A Complicated History

montage of Tzarina Mace-Ralph from below deck down under with question marks

Tzarina, who is returning for her second season on Below Deck Down Under, was thrilled to learn Lara would be joining the crew. She spoke highly of Lara and quickly suggested they room together. Yet as the episode got underway, it became clear their relationship was not as perfect as it initially seemed.

While Tzarina praised Lara, Lara seemed less enthusiastic about Tzarina, referring to her as “weird Barbie.” Tzarina then admitted she and Lara hadn’t always gotten along seamlessly. The duo’s opposing communication styles proved to be a challenge by the end of the first episode, when Lara created drama by ignoring Tzarina’s breakfast special and instead taking custom orders from the guests. Her failure to check in with the chef before taking guest orders hints at a pattern of miscommunication that will likely continue throughout the season.

Lara Seems To Get Overwhelmed Easily

Her Fragile Personality Is At Odds With The Demands Of The Chief Stew Role

Bravo‘s Lara stated that she “doesn’t deal well with chaos,” which is a huge red flag. The chief stew role requires a steadying presence in an unpredictable environment. If Lara can’t handle stress, she’ll become quickly overwhelmed and lose control of her department. This could have devastating consequences, especially on a ship as large as Katina.

While Lara’s extensive experience proves her competence in yachting, she may not be equipped to handle the unique challenges of working on Below Deck Down Under. The demands of filming add even more chaos to an inherently stressful job. In contrast to Aesha, who was a calming presence in even the most difficult circumstances, it seems like Lara was cast purely to deliver drama.

Below Deck Down Under airs Mondays at 9 p.m. EST on Bravo.

Below Deck Down Under

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