The Renaissance Fair Call Proved Audrey Knows How To Bring The Best Out Of Bode
Audrey Knew How To Channel Bode’s Attention On The Call, Not His Anger
Vince erupting at Station 42 meant that the spat between him and Bode was no secret. However, Audrey’s reaction proved she truly knew what was best for Bode, as she effectively distracted him from his fight with Vince by challenging him to rescue more patients than her during the Renaissance fair call. If Jake’s order to ignore Vince’s words worked poorly for Bode, Audrey teasing Bode that she would rescue more patients refocused his attention, bringing it back to the call at hand albeit playfully, by prompting a healthy competition between them that still stopped Bode from overthinking about Vince.
No moment was more illustrative of their perfect match than Audrey predicting, like Vince, that Bode could “go nuclear,” but instead of choosing to scold him as Vince did, Audrey successfully convinced Bode to channel his best qualities.
Fire Country season 3, episode 11’s ending finally made Bode and Audrey’s feelings known with their kiss after they stopped the malfunctioning and fire-spewing dragon. However, Fire Country season 3 threw here and there hints of Bode and Audrey’s budding relationship, including their flirty quips and Bode bringing Audrey flowers in the hospital. No moment was more illustrative of their perfect match than Audrey predicting, like Vince, that Bode could “go nuclear,” but instead of choosing to scold him as Vince did, Audrey successfully convinced Bode to channel his best qualities by redirecting them into work done attentively and happily.
How Audrey’s Dynamic With Bode Is Different From His Other Relationships
Bode & Audrey’s Similarities Make Them An Ideal Match, Unlike His Previous Relationships
Audrey and Bode’s bond differs from his previous relationships because of how deeply they understand one another. If Bode and Gabriela’s relationship in Fire Country was based on them not really knowing one another, instead falling for an idea that anchored and inspired them, Audrey and Bode’s shared past as inmate firefighters led them to know one another quickly and clearly. Bode’s relationship with Rebecca in Fire Country season 1 could have brought a similar conclusion had they come from similar backgrounds, but their bond had been too transactional, making Audrey and Bode’s match the first ideal one for Bode.
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