Bode and Audrey’s Relationship Heats Up in ‘Fire Country’ Sneak Peek
Bode and Jake’s Trip Takes a Turn.
The Renaissance fair was fun for Bode and Audrey, even when a malfunctioning flame thrower risked their lives. However, some things have taken priority now that they’ve survived yet another emergency. “We should figure out what this is first,” Bode says in the video above as he and Audrey lean in for a kiss. Maybe figuring it out will have to wait. Meanwhile, Jake and Bode’s trip takes a turn when they notice a landslide. “Someone’s buried under there,” says Bode as the video shows a man buried under enormous rocks.
Under normal circumstances, this would be a straightforward job. But these are not normal circumstances since it’s just the two of them, and they have limited resources. Still, more danger is imminent. “If there is a secondary slide, none of us are getting out of here alive,” Jake says. It’s a delicate balance between saving the man trapped under the rocks and doing it fast enough to beat the secondary slide. While Bode and Jake make it before the avalanche reoccurs, they don’t emerge unscathed as a rock nearly shatters Jake’s knee. The emergency has all the trappings of multi-stage Fire Country emergencies that keep viewers on the edge of their seats.