Angie declares, “Will, I’m letting you go” – the tension builds to a climax.
I ‘ship Will Trent and Angie Polaski. Hard. But I’ll be damned if I’m not suddenly ‘shipping Will Trent and Marion Alba, too.
Perhaps it’s because Gina Rodriguez seems to have chemistry with just about everyone, which always made it difficult for this Jane the Virgin viewer to decide whether he was #TeamMichael or #TeamRafael. Or perhaps I was just stunned by how electric her scenes were opposite Ramón Rodríguez this week.
After several episodes where Alba was either a blip on our radar or missing altogether — kudos to the writers for not attempting to shoehorn her into episodes where she didn’t belong — the ADA was extremely present in Episode 6, during which Faith assured her partner that it was OK to be interested in someone other than Angie.
Sure, this all seems a bit fast. When Marion told Will that she has a knack for wearing a man down, my first thought was “Slow your roll, Villanueva!” But my second thought was “This is bringing out a side of Will that we haven’t necessarily seen before, and I really want to see where this goes.” Ultimately it led back to his place, where things got particularly hot in the kitchen.
I’m still not convinced that Will is ready for this — it has only been two weeks since Angie declared that they’re never, ever getting back together (“Will Trent, I release you”) — but now I’m curious (and I wasn’t before) to see where this goes, even if this is just one of those relationships meant to keep our one true pair apart for another season.