fire country

Fire Country’s New Love Triangle Could Just Turn Bode From Hero to Cheater

Fire Country Season 3, Episode 11, “Fare Thee Well” sees Bode (Max Thieriot) and Audrey (Leven Rambin) take the final step into truly being a couple, with the two sharing a kiss as the episode ends. And yet, the show also makes sure to do this as Gabriela (Stephanie Arcila) seemingly finds her footing again, which is a really interesting turn for Bode. His attention is now on Audrey, but how long will it stay there if Gabriela is now a possibility? Could Fire Country be planning to resolve its love triangle by having Bode and Gabriela realize they want to be together while he’s still dating Audrey?

What Will Happen on 'Fire Country' Now That Bode and Audrey Kissed? - Parade

Who Does Bode End Up With in Fire Country?

Bode might be with Audrey now, but the more we see of their relationship, the clearer it seems that the two aren’t really meant to last. In this episode, the team responds to a call from a local Renaissance fair, which gives Audrey and Bode a chance to work together once again. The episode, however, also continues to establish Gabriela and Audrey as two women who respect each other-and actually get along.

It’s a really good decision because it makes Bode’s eventual choice even more complicated. Because let’s be clear, this will come down to a choice for Bode. And the choice the viewers and the show want Bode to make is clear: Gabriela. Audrey, as nice as she has been, is just a plot device. She’s never been anything else.

Fire Country Bode Gabriela© Provided by Soaps

Her development on the show makes it obvious. For starters, we don’t really know much about her backstory, just little tidbits here and there. She’s gotten a fair bit of screen time, but that’s only because she’s part of the team and it would be weird if she didn’t, particularly when they’re dealing with emergencies. All this screen time, however, hasn’t really been used to give us a clearer idea of who Audrey is. And as long as we don’t know enough about her, it’s hard for us to really root for her and Bode.

If anything, right now, she seems like a safe option for Bode. It was about time that he started to put himself first, and in many ways, temporarily choosing Audrey is Bode doing just that. He can’t save Gabriela from herself; she has to do that. But once she puts herself back together (and it seems like she’s starting to), Bode will have a choice to make again. Because he loves Gabriela, and she loves him.

Bode and Audrey in Fire Country

What happens to Audrey then? Bode will, of course, feel bad. She has no one else at Clearwater-only him. But that might be what the show is counting on. The decision won’t be easy for Bode; not because the show has set up Audrey as a particularly engaging character, but because of who Bode is. But if we’ve learned anything about Bode before, it is that he will make bad decisions over and over if it means being with Gabriela.

He could, of course, break it off with Audrey before getting back together with Gabriela. But it feels more likely than in a heightened moment, Bode might re-discover that he cares more about Gabriela than anything else, and let himself get carried away. And that… well, that could lead to him hurting not just Gabriela, but Audrey. It would be a really bad ending for the love triangle, even if it ends the most predictable way, and it might even throw a wrench into a possible romantic relationship between Bode and Gabriela, at least for now. Cheating is no way to start a relationship, and certainly no way to end it. But that might just be where Fire Country is heading.

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